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This is a truly luxurious bouquet with vase which is perfectly simple and so very beautiful. The long-stemmed pure white Dutch roses are contrasted with the deep blue, velvety petals of the lisianthus and the wonderful blue showy blooms of the agapanthus add interest to the bouquet. This is a classic hand-tied bouquet for lovers of understated beauty.
All flowers and foliage in this bouquet is sourced from Fairtrade licenced farms. Fairtrade means fairer trading conditions and opportunities for producers in developing countries to invest in their businesses and communities for a sustainable future.
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featured on this Web site represent the types of arrangements we offer and
may vary depending upon availability in certain regions. Substitution
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2009-2013 Hollandia Florists Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avalanche Roses & Lisianthus Arrangement (MD-012)