Spring |
Summer |
Fall |
Graduation |
Wedding |
Hollandia Sweeter Than Ever Bouquet is full of blushing color and fresh beauty
to create a remarkable gift. Pink gerbera daisies, pink carnations, lavender
chrysanthemums, bi-colored pink and white Peruvian lilies and lush greens
are perfectly situated in a clear glass vase accented with
a lavender satin ribbon. Arriving with a 4-piece box of chocolate, this bouquet
gives your special recipient a sweet wish that will surprise and delight them
with its captivating grace.
All items
featured on this Web site represent the types of arrangements we offer and
may vary depending upon availability in certain regions. Substitution
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2009-2013 Hollandia Florists Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Hollandia Sweeter Than Ever Bouquet (NB-021)